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Infant Incubator Lesson 16

Can we build it?

Student Sheet 

Teacher Answers 

Estimated class Time:

One 40-minute class period


Can we build it?


  • The materials on the building supply list are needed for this lesson.
  • Completed work plans
  • OPTIONAL: Classroom Cash

Lesson Level Learning Objectives:

  • MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.


  • Students will purchase their materials and spend the class period working on the tasks necessary to build their prototype.

What we Figured Out: 

  • Students learn the importance of writing a solid building plan and following a budget.

Questions we still have:

  • How well will our prototype work?
  • How well will the other prototypes work?
  • We already know this won’t work, how will we make changes?


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