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Diversity and Inclusion

POETS’ vision is to be the pre-eminent research and education organization driving the integrated, optimized, concurrent movement of thermal and electrical power in tightly constrained mobile environments. In order to achieve this goal, supporting and enhancing diversity and inclusivity within our center is essential. Diverse research groups have been shown to have a positive effect on innovation, creativity, problem solving, and decision making in a multitude of sectors including STEM fields. Moreover, to ensure that our diverse members are working optimally together, an inclusive environment needs to be present where all members feel supported and valued.

POETS Culture of Inclusion Strategic Plan Overview

D&I Strat Plan Overview

Resources for online mentoring during Covid-19: 

Mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic | Nature | April 3, 2020

Mentoring Remotely During Disruption | Cornell Graduate School

Mentoring in a Time of Crisis and Uncertainty | NORDP News | April 7, 2020 

Running an REU During COVID-19 | National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

MWM Presents: Strategies for Optimizing Virtual Mentoring Experiences: - STEM Connector and Million Women Mentors hosted a webinar with Technovation about virtual mentoring best practices back in April. for questions.